PRP Treatment



PRP Treatment

PRP that is short for Platelet Rich Plasma is a procedure that provides aid in smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines on your skin using the regenerative process of your own body!


It starts with extracting plasma from the patient’s blood. That can be achieved by placing the blood into the special centrifuge. Once it is done, we remove platelets which include restoring growth factors and stem cells from the body!


After that these platelets are injected back into the area that requires treatment. Thus, platelets restore the tissue of the patient’s body by stimulating the creation of new cells instead of the other older and damaged ones.


PRP and hair loss
This unique procedure can help you not only make your skin look younger but return some volume to your hair as well! When injected in the area that needs treatment from hair loss, platelets stimulate the growth of the new hair cells!


It can be done in two ways:

  • Injection directly into the balding spot. This will stimulate the growth of the hair beneath your scalp which can also stop the hair loss process because it will improve the hair growth all over your scalp.
  • Injection into the newly transplanted hair follicle. This suits those who experience severe baling problems. It stimulates the growth of the new hair so that it grows thicker and faster.